Friday, February 13, 2015

Mom guilt providing holiday cheer for years!

Being a working mom has it's perk.  I am still trying to find out exactly what they are and when I do I am sure that I will be the new leader of my fellow working  peeps. Let me say that I am beyond grateful for my job and for the luxuries it provides like heat and food. But sometimes I ache knowing that I can't be the classroom mom or that I miss out on the silly things that go on in the mornings around our house. And just when I think I have things all figured out The national holiday for mom guilt or more commonly known as Valentines day comes along and I begin a slow steady descent into  the despicable world of Pinterest .
This week I have found myself spending an inordinate amount of time scrolling through countless pages to find that one valentine that will ease the guilt and validate my existence. Turns out that doesn't exist so I was left to my own devices.
I spent hours collecting and designing and printing and punching and tying. My neck aches, my back is numb and I can't feel my fingers anymore but you better believe my kids are going in with one of a kind valentines. So when some other sap who suffers from the same ailment that I do jacks my design just remember you saw it here first. Take that mom guilt.