Thursday, June 2, 2016

Pass the Cheese please

So construction has overtaken our lives. I have lived in a thin haze of various materials. First it was saw dust from the framing. Then it was insulation dust which may or may not be hazardous to my health whereas this was the only crew who wore aspirators to do their jobs. As the homeowner they didn't issue me one so fingers crossed I am safe! Then it was dry wall sediments and mudding. The final steps have been laze physical dust and more chemical fumes as we painted and epoxied.
At each stage I have been grumpier and grumpier. I barely get the concrete swept before the next layer hits and I could lie and tell you I have been attempting to wage the same battle upstairs but right now I could probably grow tomatoes on my window sills and blinds. Today I hit the proverbial wall.
We have been attempting to put the doors back on now that the jams are painted and the carpet is installed. Really Myers is doing the work, I lie on said carpet watching you tube vidjas and or making inappropriate jokes. This project is now at day 8. Everyday we set out with hopes of getting 3 or 4 done and everyday we get one hinge on. Why the slow going you ask? Why in our naivety Myers took all the hinges off of every single door with out labeling a single one of them. To add to the fun he also failed to mark any off the doors. In case you are as unfamiliar with doors as I once was it turns out that each door needs to be kept with not only its hinges but also its original jam to ensure that it will close. What we now have is a giant jigsaw puzzle that is most likely unsolvable. After a lot of contemplation and a lot of backing screws out we are kicking around the idea of just not having doors. I think shower curtains could look nice and really who needs privacy?
By the end of our allotted work time today I was completely despondent. So I did the only adult thing I could think of which was to take up residency on the floor in the only room which has a door that works and cry. I fully intended on staying there until I was completely dehydrated and then it hit me like a ton of bricks.
I have become a basic white girl who whines about things that I should instead be grateful for. I suddenly became acutely aware of the amazing blessing it is to be able to have started this project in the first place. To have jobs that fund this adventure. To have two beautiful beavered teeth boys who have been incredibly patient while their parents move at sloth speed in the underbelly of the house. For the friends and neighbors who have showed up to lend assistance and expertise. For my parents who have rescued me more then once during this project like driving out of their way to pick up paint before the store closed and then hand delivering it to me. For my mom who is building me custom doors when prefab ones suddenly wouldn't work. For my siblings who have lent vehicles and didn't mind when they didn't get returned as quickly as I thought they would. And for so many other things.
Suddenly the dust doesn't feel as suffocating and the flaws and set backs don't feel like they will end my world because 2 months ago we started with one wonky wall and have been able to watch this unfold.

Who knows maybe tomorrow we will have three hinges done.

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