Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Bells will be ringing

Welp, it happened. Summer drifted away and school has started once more. This day is always a little weird. I am fully aware that I am working myself into motherly unemployment but dadgum if I still don’t get a little sad when my employees keep growing.
So here is a small recap-
I came home from work early so that I could be there when the boys woke up for the first day of school. I laid down for a fifteen minute snoozaroo and woke up to find them completely dressed and waiting for breakfast.
I actually debated trying to convince them that that cold cereal was in fact what they wanted for breakfast not pancakes and eggs.
I made the pancakes and eggs and somehow managed to  pack lunches all while half asleep- Culinary school and its eternal lack of sleep is really paying off now!
I argued with thing 2 for ten minutes as to why he had to have his hair done. His excuses included but were not limited to, it hurts my hair, I look like a girl, it is not even Sunday and finally the mother of all excuses THIS IS SUCH LAME! I don’t even have the energy to explain to that kid that sentence makes exactly zero sense.
Brice gave the boys back to school blessings and called our first born Ethan Brenen. I think this is a sign that there has been one too many exasperated cries this summer.
We took our requisite first day of school pictures in front of the door that I made sure to cute up last night. This is what we got. The one day Idaho sees sun seriously.

So then we got a beautiful shot by the garage. Werk that awesome scenery.

I realized that even if your children insist that they want to wear flip flops for the first two weeks of school it will be too cold to do so and their toes will freeze and the other mothers will judge you for your lack of parenting skills.
Eventually name tags will be donned friends will be found, bells will ring and  another year will start once more.I wonder if it is to early to turn in my application for unemployment benefits?

1 comment:

  1. Miss those boys! I can't believe how big they are! Elliot told me he is super excited to come play with his cousins when we get back to Idaho... See you soon!
