Friday, September 5, 2014

throw it way way back

So this week we got a letter from our insurance company. I secretly thought that they were writing to tell us that we are in fact two of the coolest human beings on the planet and that they just wanted to make us aware of this but instead it was a reminder that the new challenge had started. If we agree to sign up and complete the challenge for 70 percent of the time they knock fifty bucks off of our premium at the end of the year. This means that we both stand to make back $300.00 just for doing things an average number of times in grading terms. This new challenge is asking us to spend less and save more. Well the joke is on those crazy buttholes because we are poor and so there is no money to spend. Let it be said that children are expensive. Now let it also be stated that back to school is like a giant black hole of expense and we got sucked through it not once but twice! So obviously we are not planning a luxury cruise and our latest splurge is 38 cent soda at the grocery store. Too bad for us our kids did not get the memo that we have spent a grand getting them ready for some real fine learning so they continue to believe that we can spend away like it is our job. Fast forward to the weekend. For the entire summer we have planned these amazing weekend flings. Knowing that if I want to make back my money I knew that I could not continue with this trend so when Ethan asked to go to the arcades I said heck no I have a better idea- lets go climb R mountain. This as it turns out was not a good plan at all. It was in fact a Chris is a damn fool kind of plan and the subject of this week’s letter. Settle in friend this is gonna get wild.
R- Mountain adventure as told by Chris
9:00 am I try to convince the kids that sleeping is what we really really want to do for the whole day, they say no. I cry and die a little inside and convince them to let me sleep while they scrub the funk off themselves
9:01 the boys try to convince me that the funk is scrubbed off. I call BS and they hit the showers again
10:00 all of us are now clean and shoes are on and we are just about ready to hit the trails. Brice “reads’ the directions to get to the mountain and I start kvetching around like the good Jew that I am packing our travel bag. I pack a thirty two pound watermelon an over ripe pineapple and throw in a few cheese sticks and peanuts for good measure. Realizing I almost forgot water I fill four jugs and toss them in. My back pack now weighs at least thirty pounds but no bother I am tuff and prepared.
10:05 we are all buckled and headed to the mountain and we figure that we are going to arrive in about ten minutes.
10:15 we turn onto the road Brice thinks we need. He starts waxing poetic about how he used to know every stretch of road out here and that he knows right where it is because his steel trap mind is recalling sights and sounds. Suddenly we are driving way past the R on the mountain and I tell him we need to turn around. We then spend the next fifteen minutes exploring every private drive with a sign saying no trespassing. We totes trespassed in hopes of finding a living soul who could tell us how to get to the stupid mountain
10:30 feeling frustrated I finally ask if he really read the instructions only to find out he had not. He flips back around just in time to see a sign saying trail head 1.5 miles south. He feels vindicated and smart since he knows where south is and has proof he is on the right track.
10:33 we drive 3 miles south for good measure still no sign of trail so flip back around for the third time and start back over in the same driveway with the sign. By this point we have driven by their house enough that I am actually offended that they have not brought me a glass of lemonade or some cookies. Rude.
10:35 my melodramatic freak-out is in full swing where I say go all the way back to the road and start over. It is then that we realized that Brice has over shot the trail by 1.5 miles to the North. Turns out those people are directionally challenged. As I start a fiery dissertation about the sheer idiotic hood of these people Brice points out that I don’t know which direction south is either. This is a fact but here is another fact, I have never made a sign professing to know which way is south and then placed it in my driveway to confuse drivers.
10:37 we are finally on the right road. Just as I am calming down Brenen starts crying because Ethan poked him in the eye. My stellar solution is to allow him to poke him right back as hard as he wants. I tell him this is a free pass that he can use at any time with no chance of punishment. My awesome parenting skills backfire because he chooses to use this free poke right then so now I have two children with temporary blindness crying in my backseat. This is the reason wild eat their young I am sure of it.
10:42 after another fit of hysteria we finally find the trail head complete with the port a potty’s promised on the site that I have looked up to ensure that we actually find said trail head. We pile out of the car and head out
10:45 the trail starts to steepen and I am starting to wonder what I have done
10:47 the nice gravel is replaced by sinking sand and I look up into the distance and suddenly realized that this is not a nice little jaunt through the park. This is in fact a full fledge hike up a mountain. Let us stop and consider something at this point. How in the world did I hear the word mountain and not allow that information to sink into my brain as an indication as to what I would be going through. This is like the time I visited the statue of liberty. In my mind’s eye I figured that good old lady liberty was about my height with some killer arms. I had seen pictures and I had read plenty of accounts of her construction and yet I was shocked shocked I say when I arrived at Ellis Island to see that she is actually over three hundred feet tall. I think that I have a problem. The funny thing is as we were circling our location like two drunk crows I kept thinking wow that is a huge mountain and yet here I was gob smacked at the level of difficulty and even worse I allowed my two young boys to come with me.
10:50 I am panting and trying to come up with a really good excuse as to why we should turn around. I don’t want to be the looser who suggests this so I instead revel in the fact that Brenen is walking thirty feet behind us at the speed of a really slow desert creature. I am not sure what that desert creature would be since you know I can’t even figure out what a mountain is so for the sake of argument let’s call him a tortoise. I use this as a chance to stop and rest. He of course chooses this exact moment to run to catch up.
11:00 we are now approximately one one hundredth of the way up the mountain. Brice is panting like a woof, I am sweating like a dad gum sinner in church and our boys are suddenly energized and thrilled to be out in nature. We use all our strength to scream things out like don’t run up that cliff or stay out of that badger den with enough conviction that they will actually believe that there is in fact grave danger in these actions. By this point we have agreed that taking a six year old up a sheer rock face skiffed with sand is not good parenting and the perfect scape goat so we snap a few pictures and begin our descent down.
11:01 I suddenly have the fear of god placed in me when I realized how steep the path is and how slick everything is. Ethan rolls fifteen feet off the trail and I am just sure that I am going to have to remember how to do the dead man carry to get him out of there. The ironic thing is that I just had to go over this to certify for girls camp. I was not paying attention so I know that it is karma just being a jerk. Luckily his giant head slowed him down enough to allow him to come to a not so gentle stop.
11:09 we have now climbed down a good fifteen feet. Things are slow moving and I suddenly wish that I had spent more time doing squats for real instead of the ones that I do to look into the fridge for a tasty morsel since my quads are on FIRE! We meet up with two other people who have also made the stupid mistake of thinking that climbing R Mountain on a Saturday was a good idea. As we are trying to decide who gets to move forward in their misery on the narrow path Brice spots a lizard on a log. I spend a good five minutes just trying to see the silly thing, apparently camouflage is real.
11:20 I am now trying not to cry both from pain and terror. I am chastising myself for thinking that saving money was a good idea and am forming a strongly written letter to those jack holes at DMBA about bribing people. Brice in all his sweetness tries to cheer me up by pointing out that we got to see a lizard in its natural habitat. Apparently Brice just met me and does not realize that lizards creep me out and that I am not elated at seeing one.
11:30 I can now safely say I have a baby mountain of my own. Luckily for us all it is not in my pants but rather in my shoes. I did have the good sense to wear tennis shoes instead of Chaco’s but the mesh cooling system is allowing more dirt in than air out. There is a dam of dirt nestled under my big toes and each step feels like I am walking on high heels that I put on backwards. Let us not forget that I am a big enough spaz to have tried to scale a mountain that I believed was a mole hill so putting foot wear on backwards is in fact not out of the realm of possibility. I begin to hate myself for coming up with bonding activities and make a mental note to become a neglectful mother. Perhaps one who allows her children to poke one another in the eye.
11:37 I can finally see our car and if my calves were not so tight and my hips so sore I might have sprinted towards it. Instead I hold in sobs and settle for a dignified whimper. Thinking that I need to come up with a plan of action to ensure that the boys never want to do this again I tell Brice that we should convince them that we have lost the car keys at the top of the  mountain and have to go up after them. This evil plan keeps us going for the last ten minutes of the trip.
10:47 we finally get to the car and hobble over to pour out the dirt. My competitive side kicks in and I win the contest just to prove I can.
10:50 we drive home barefooted and eat the thirty pounds of watermelon, overripe pineapple, and sting cheese on the way. I hold out sharing my peanuts because 1. I love peanuts and 2. They were the toffee kind and do I really need to share those?
11:15 Brice and I are flopped on the couch exhausted and try to convince the boys that what they really really want to do is sleep for the rest of the day. They still won’t buy it.

Side bar I have a bunch of pictures to send but they are too big to send in an email. I was uploading them to some cloud when Brice pulled a Brice and monkey fiddled and lost everything. are you interested in them if so I will try again and throw something shiny at him to distract him. let me know

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